Saturday, January 31, 2015

That Silence Again

Right there. Been wandering around the dark fields looking for my stupid dog, Damndelion. Shaking a cup of food because I'm pretty sure he thinks that's his name, and "DANDLEION" means "RUN LIKE HELL!!!1!" But in all that darkness, my thoughts wander around stuff I want to write. Images that come to mind. Memories. Cool stuff. sweet stuff. Ballet and jiujitsu stuff. Until I settle myself beside a warm Coyote Curls, who looks at me with bleary eyes and says "You scared me, mom. You took too long."

That's when my first title came to mind. "Head in a Kroger Bag". It's not a short story. It's not some piece of flash. It's a piece of history that won't leave any of us alone. She went missing four years ago. Took us two years to find that bag. Us. I wasn't there, thank god, but I was part of the endless searches. Take too long to do anything alone, and that's where the mind wanders. But that's not even remotely where I wanted to go. I got a little lost shortly after that, and settled on that silence between the blank page and the opening title.

But I'm writing. Which hadn't done much of today, or the day before because the to-do list piles up and if you sit too long, you can actually hear it growing like some kind of cancer on the creative mind.

So I painted the kitchen white (UGH), then colorwashed the ceiling and now I have to do the walls. Not a lot of walls to do, but still. I've made it as inconvenient as humanly possible to navigate the kitchen so I would annoy myself out of this's not working like I wanted it to. So I'm writing instead. Because the walls need painted, of course, and nothing inspires creativity like the scent of latex paint. Or something like that.

So check one off the to-do list; I've written. next I read. My husband brought home a graphic novel series called "Rising Stars" that he thinks I'd really like, and from everything he's said, I am sure I will. And with all things like that I will likely get sucked in so hard, I will have to set alarms to remind me to surface long enough to go to the bathroom and do parenty things. Mannen min has been pretty good at picking the things I'd like in the past. He's cool that way.

Rising Stars it is.

Ja, that was Norsk :)

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